Areas of Interest
International Projects:
- Anti-trafficking Services
- Educational & Empowerment Programs/Communications
- Environmental Issues Affecting the Quality of Life
- Healthcare
- Safe water, Food, and Agriculture
- Services to Immigrants, Refugees, and Persons Without Housing
United States Projects:
- Anti-trafficking Services
- Communication
- Empowerment Programs
- Environmental Issues Affecting the Quality of Life
- Literacy
- Services to Immigrants, Refugees, and Persons Without Housing
Leadership Conferences & Networks:
National and regional leadership conferences of women religious in the developing world are eligible to receive grants to implement inter-congregational communication and collaboration. These include capacity-building programs and education/leadership training programs that enhance the effectiveness of sisters’ ministries in their region or country. Inter-congregational networks may request funding for collaborative initiatives that address one or more HFS areas of interest. Transportation and accommodations for the sisters to attend the meetings and programs may be included.
Emergency Funding:
The HFS provides emergency grants in response to environmental issues and mass movements of people that affect the quality of life. As is true for all of our grants, this funding is provided only to vowed members of officially recognized Roman Catholic congregations of women religious. Please send an initial inquiry directly to the Program Officer who oversees requests from your country. She will reply with specific instructions.
Please see Our Staff page for contact information.